Note : nous copublions ici ce compte-rendu en anglais de notre sprint de travail collectif à Lyon autour du projet La Fabrique de la Loi avec le médialab de SciencesPo. From Wednesday June 27th 2018 to Saturday 30th, about 25 coders, social scientists, Members of the Parliament (MPs) assistants, designers and political activists gathered with the SciencesPo médialab and Regards Citoyens teams at the Complex Systems Institute in the École normale supérieure de Lyon to work on the platform LaFabriqueDeLaLoi.fr and explore french parliamentary data.The datasprint began with a collective brainstorm on the possible projects to be carried out during the workshop: many ideas were on the table and a lot could be explored during the 4 days.We'll introduce here the projects that were carried out during the sprint.Parliamentary assistants turnoverThis project tried to explore the dynamics of hiring and firing of the 2555 parliamentary assistants (interns excluded) who worked at the ...